Hear from Accounting Prof. Laura Wiley


Examples of how I get my students feedback--I can summarize this pretty quickly. I give it to them early, and I give it to them often. From day one, class day one, I assigned their first writing assignment, short memo page and a half. I do spend significant time giving them feedback on that first memo, mainly showing them where they have slang in their writing, and how they can transform that slang into something that's more professional. So early feedback, and then often--I give them about three short writing assignments that lead up to the big, the long written paper that they have to do. So with those short assignments, you know, they need to take my feedback and apply it in each subsequent assignment. And by doing the short assignments first, kind of saves me time because by the time they get to the big assignment, they've shown a lot of improvement.


Hear from Architecture Prof. Kristen Kelsch


Hear from Science Prof. Gary King