What is C-I Pedagogy?

Watch this video for a quick C-I breakdown.

Communication-intensive (C-I) pedagogy is a high-impact teaching approach that integrates course-based subject matter with communication-based activities, simultaneously deepening students’ content learning and advancing their communication skills. 

As a contemporary instructional method, C-I pedagogy is an outgrowth of writing across/within the disciplines (WAC/WID), blended with evidence-based practices surrounding student engagement, adult learning, critical thinking, and active learning. It also embodies many of the AAC&U High-Impact Practices. The core of C-I pedagogy conceptually and practically dates all the way to 4th century BCE to a Greek you may have heard of, Aristotle, and perhaps one of the first infographics presented in education science: the rhetorical triangle.

The goal of C-I pedagogy is to deepen learning through the practice and performance of communication skills. Through course design, teaching, and feedback, C-I pedagogy fosters deep learning and critical skills, and as an added bonus, makes teaching more enjoyable!

What makes a course Communication-Intensive?

Communication is used in any classroom, but a course becomes communication-intensive when specific forms of communication are intentionally incorporated into course outcomes, teaching and learning activities. The C-I mode(s) are what you choose to emphasize as part of your learning outcomes: those you teach, foster practice in, provide feedback on, ask the students to demonstrate their growth toward and prioritize as part of students’ grade for the course.

C-I Faculty Share Their What & Why

Want to share your What & Why of C-I Teaching through the C-I Teaching Hub? Drop us a line at cxc@lsu.edu.